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Square Enix Compelled to Confirm They’re NOT For Sale

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Following the debacle of Cyberpunk 2077 late last year, although I freely admit that opinions may differ on this subject (and quite tersely too I daresay), I suspect that Square Enix is now one of the few developers/publishers remaining to still have a pretty decent reputation among the gaming community as a whole. With such a handsome library of games coming under their umbrella, however, since around 2019, rumours have abounded that companies such as Microsoft or Sony might have been sniffing around regarding a potential acquisition.

Well, following a report via Eurogamer, the rumors have seemingly got so substantial that Square Enix has felt compelled to 100% categorically confirm that they are not for sale!

Square Enix is NOT For Sale

Seemingly getting rather annoyed at even more new rumours of a potential takeover bid being made, Square Enix has issued a statement. In it, while they don’t deny that someone, somewhere, may have made an enquiry, they are absolutely adamant that they have no intention of selling up or (as part of a separate rumour) accepting bids for any of their gaming franchises.

“We do not consider selling off the company or any part of its businesses, nor have we received any offer from any third party to acquire the company or any part of its businesses.” – NB. English is likely broken due to translation from its native Japanese.

What Do We Think?

It’s impossible to deny that with both Sony and particularly Microsoft having recently made some strong moves to attempt to create console exclusive titles/franchises, Square Enix would’ve undoubtedly been on their radar as a ‘would really, really, like’. Based on these comments, however, it seems that while Square Enix might be flattered (although they certainly don’t sound like it!), they have made it categorically clear that they have zero desire to accept either invitation to the console exclusive dance!

What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!

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