SSD Prices up as Much as 36% in Some Areas
We have all noticed that SSD prices have gone up and we’ve heard that it is due to the current NAND shortage in regards to the needed supply. A new report from the analyst firm Trendfocus now sheds some light on just how much the prices have gone up.
Over the past four quarters, prices of solid state drives have continued to rise and sadly there is no end in sight for it for the near future. Experts expect the price rise to continue until the end of the year before we see a possible price drop in early 2018.
The report shows that SSD prices have increased as much as 36% in some areas, which is bad for consumers and enterprises alike, but it has returned the NAND sector to a more profitable state. Healthy companies that will be around for a long time, keep developing their technology, and support the current ones is something we wouldn’t want to miss out on.
“Now, with these price increases already continuing into 2017, the expectation of SSDs penetrating more into the mid-range notebook systems, as well as PCIe taking more share of the SATA SSD space has been eased a bit. Pricing deltas have not only maintained between SATA and PCIe, but an increased delta (PCIe costing more) is now being realised,” said Don Jeanette, VP at Trendfocus Inc.
While this means that higher prices to OEM system integrators translate into higher prices to end consumers, SSDs continue to cut into the HDD market. Especially when it comes to the mobile sector with notebooks, netbooks, and ultrabooks where mechanical drives are at bigger risk of damage.
So, if you are holding off on the purchase of an SSD in the hope that the prices will drop, then you might be waiting a long time.