Star Citizen Alpha Version 2.0 is Now Available
Star Citizen recently surpassed $100 million in crowdfunding money and set a new Guinness World Record. This is an astonishing achievement and I cannot see any other project exceeding Star Citizen’s budget in the near future. Furthermore, the huge amount of funding allows the development team to create a graphically diverse environment. Star Citizen’s Alpha 2.0 was released to backers a few days ago and includes a huge array of updates. Here is the changelog in full:
Feature List
You can find the complete Star Citizen Alpha 2.0 patch notes here.
Open World Missions
- 8 Comm Array missions involving dogfighting and EVA, 8 Research missions involving protecting civilians or recovering lost data and 1 Exploration mission of an abandoned station.
- 20+ Random Encounters – Most are random dogfighting encounters, often with a mix of friendlies and hostiles. 4 are random exploration missions involving finding lost wrecks.
First Person Shooter
- Recharging energy weapons.
- In-game pick-ups including ballistic weapons, ammo and MediPens.
- Player healing.
- Due to the open-world architecture of the Crusader system, FPS combat can occur on space stations, on the decks of ships, or even while engaged in EVA.
- A space station location specifically designed for and dedicated to FPS combat, including many stores and caches of personal weapons.
- Constant and ongoing skirmishes and space dogfights between Pirate factions and insystem security forces in the Yela asteroid belt.
- Wreckage to scavenge in the Yela asteroid belt.
- Ship Repair, Refuel and Restocking at Cry-Astro.
- EVA – Extravehicular activity.
- Multicrew Ships.
- Multicrew ship gameplay! You’re not tied to your seat, you can walk around inside your ship with friends, and assume different responsibilities at different crew stations, such as ship’s pilot or copilot, engineer, or turret gunner.
- Ship to space transitions.
- Seamless first-person gameplay! Transit between the interior of your ship to outer space and back without any loading screen! Fly, fight, and spacewalk all in the same game.
- Quantum Travel, complete with limited fuel mechanics.
- All non-snub craft have a Quantum Drive that allows them to travel through local space at genuinely 0.2 speed of light.
- Mobiglass Mission and Journal system.
- EMP warfare in the Avenger Warlock.
- Large World tech that allows for extremely large expanses of space to explore without loading screens.
- New IFCS Flight models.
- Ship repair refuel and restock.
- Party system.
- Multi-ship crew stations.
- IFCS Flight Modes – Precision, SCM, and Cruise flight modes.
- Afterburner.
- Ship-to-ship EMP and disruption damage.
1 planet: Crusader.
3 moons: Yela with its asteroid belt, Cellin with a station and Daymar with a station.
3 distinct stations: Port Olisar (The new local shipping hub, a space hotel players get their start in), Security Post Kareah (our FPS PvP location), Covelex Shipping Hub (Abandoned shipping hub, acting as an EVAexploration location for players).
1 Cry-Astro repair and restock station.
9 Comms Arrays with encounters, missions and EVA exploration.
Chris Roberts described the recent update and said:
“Alpha 2.0 is a major breakthrough for Stars Citizen. It represents the first true slice of gameplay that includes much of what Star Citizen will bring to our fans: thrilling space combat in a massive play area, first person battles and multi-crew ships where you and your friends can adventure together in a portion of the universe on the same ship. It’s all technology that has never been undertaken to this scale and depth before in our industry.”
We would love to know your thoughts on Star Citizen and if you think it can live up to people’s expectations.