Star Trek Discovery – New Series to Debut in US tonight & UK Tomorrow
Mike Sanders / 7 years ago
Boldly going, where it hasn’t been for quite some time
It has been a long time since we had a new Star Trek series. It’s been 12 years since Enterprise went out with a whimper. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t actually think Enterprise was bad, I think it suffered from a combination of problems. Firstly, I think it’s casting wasn’t particularly dynamic and as such the characters were not as lovable the as the previous series. Secondly, I think the era it concentrated on was not what the casuals really wanted and thirdly, I think it came at a time when we had all had enough of Star Trek for a while.
That being said, I personally can’t get enough of Star Trek Bridge Crew at the moment, so maybe the timing is right.
Yes, we have had the Star Wars re-boots, but arguments over these franchises can lead to arrests.
With the recent, and excellent, re-booted films, I think the timing is perfect for a new series.
We, therefore, can expect to see our first glimpse of the new series tomorrow afternoon. A minor downside, however, is that this is a Netflix exclusive in the UK.
Star Trek Discovery – What to expect?
Star Trek Discovery finds itself lodged between the original series and The Next Generation. 2255 to be exact. The new series will also see a semi-continuation (ignoring Scott Bakula) of a main female protagonist.
Some questions have been asked, based on the film re-boots, as to which timeline this series will sit in. It is confirmed as being set in the original ‘prime’ timeline. Therefore planet Vulcan is still very much alive and the last we saw of Captain Pike was in a beeping wheelchair.
The US gets early access to the show with it debuting tonight, however, the rest of the world can look forward to it tomorrow evening reports Although, it should be noted that the US audience is slightly peeved at this new series. Apparently, although the pilot will be aired on TV, the remaining will only be part of a CBS subscription service.
Star Trek Discovery will comprise of 15 episodes split over a mid-season gap.
Are you looking forward to the new Star Trek Discovery? Are you worried it might be another Enterprise? Let us know in the comments!