Steam Controller Hopes to Allow Disabled Father to Play Skyrim
Gareth Andrews / 9 years ago
Video games can do a lot of things. You can play them with your friends while sitting on the sofa, or play with people on other side of the world. You can sit down at a party and sing your favourite songs while your friends play the music, or conquer an entire world on your own. One thing that some people find rewarding is playing games with the ones they care about the most, be that their friends or family. Eli Jewett is one of the latter, playing games with his dad who recently wanted to play Skyrim. There was one problem, though, his dad can only use his right hand.
Chris Hepburn has a post that is known for allowing people to request a controller mapping for certain games. Jewett saw this and requested a one-handed profile for Skyrim using the Steam controller. Hepburn was asked by GameSpot why he decided to take up this request and Detailed in the video below, the end result was a combination of motion and physical controls such as mapping movement to the tilt sensor while looking around was done via the right track pad.
“The son wanted his dad to play Skyrim! Enough said. Who wouldn’t want their dad to share Skyrim with them?” asked Hepburn. “We’ve all played Skyrim and this guy’s dad wants to try it. Had to make it at that point.”
While he has yet to test the profile Jewetts father launched Skyrim after being told about the creation hopefully a game he will be able to enjoy soon. Hepburn has stated that he would go back and change the profile over and over until Jewetts dad is comfortable with it, while Hepbrun is going to take on more profile requests, such as one for a woman who has arthritis and cannot use her thumbs. “Valve are the real innovators here. They gave us the tools to help each other” Hepbrun added.
This is the gaming community that I enjoy being a part of, one where you not only enjoy playing with your friends and family but are also willing to help out others so they can share in that enjoyment.