Steam Gives Ubisoft a Weekend of Discounts
It’s hard to argue when you look at Steam that it’s not the leading distributor of PC games, with its digital platform offering sales and protection for both creators and players of games. This weekend it’s Ubisoft’s turn with a weekend of discounts on all of their games.
Want to grab one of their new games? Why not try about Rainbow Six Seige at 33% off, costing you only £26.79, or how about going a bit Savage in Far Cry Primal for 20% off at £31.99.
Feel like you need something in between? Why not try out Assasin Creed Syndicate for 50% off for only £19.99! Enjoyed the game? Why not purchase the Season pass, which is also 50% off at £9.99.
With Far Cry 3 at 75%, Far Cry 4 at 50% off, the modern Far Cry games all call to be purchased. But what about the older ones? Don’t worry these are also on sale, with the original Far Cry coming in at only £1.74 (75% off) and Far Cry 2: Fortune’s Edition costing only £4.99 (50% off).
Want to play some classics, grab Rayman Legends for £3.99 at 75% off or race around in TrackMania United Forever Star Edition at only £9.99 (50% off).
Classic games like Rainbow Six 3 Gold, the Brothers in Arms Series and the Ghost Recon series are also included in the sale at 50% off.
With so many games to buy, check out the full list here and brace your wallets for a steep decline in funds.
*All prices were listed from the UK version of the site and were valid at the time of writing.
UPDATE: While the games themselves may be discounted at good prices, be wary of buying in bulk as the bundles seem to cost more than if you were to add and buy the games individually. For example, the Assassins Creed Pack will set you back £27.99 but the sale puts the contents of the bundle at only £21.98, something that Steam itself even picks up and tells you. It always helps to shop around, even during sales.