Steam Removes Super Seducer 3 and Opens THAT Can of Worms Again!

Do you know about the Super Seducer gaming franchise? In fact, let me rephrase that, would you openly admit to having any title from that series currently sat in your Steam library? – Probably not. Well, not to your mother at least! For those of you unaware though, the games are essentially FMV-based interactive movies where you get to choose what ‘lines’ you should use to pick up girls. Put simply, it’s (somehow) an even seedier version of Leisure Suit Larry!
Following an official Twitter post from the games creator (‘@RichardGambler‘), however, it would appear that despite the fact that the first two games are still available on the platform, Steam (well, more accurately Valve) has decided to unceremoniously pull the plug on the upcoming Super Seducer 3.
Steam have BANNED and removed Super Seducer 3 from the store. They will not allow it to be released in any form.
— Richard La Ruina (@RichardGambler) March 20, 2021
Our page is gone and 61,700 wish lists are gone.
Prior to this they told me expect either “approval or feedback”.
We repeatedly said we’d do whatever they needed
Super Seducer 3 is Kicked off Steam!
We should note that Super Seducer 3 had not been released prior to its removal on Steam. Given that it had (apparently) over 61,000 individuals placing it on their ‘Wishlist’, however, it was undoubtedly a relatively well-anticipated title. – So, with that in mind, why has it been removed? Well, apparently Steam has a problem with the latest build of the games’ content:
“We have finished reviewing the latest build and we aren’t going to be able to ship Super Seducer 3 on Steam. As we have mentioned previously, Steam does not ship sexually explicit images of real people. After multiple product resubmissions and product reviews, we feel we are at an impasse and therefore this decision is final.” – Steam
This does, therefore, suggest that with the first two games still available to purchase, Super Seducer 3 was more than likely looking to push the boundaries in terms of *ahem* human flesh available on view. This decision has, however, again opened up the can of worms regarding Steam’s exceptionally contradictory and vague position on hosting ‘adult’ content.

Valve Vague Rules
One of the biggest arguments made against its removal is the fact that Steam does host a significant amount of purely adult ‘gaming’ content. It does, however, seem that with this decision being made, while it’s (apparently) perfectly fine for genitalia to be depicted in an explicit cartoon form, this is not ok when real people are the subject in question. And don’t me wrong, this (at least to me) is a perfectly sound policy. The problem though is that Valve will apparently just not come out and say this and they have been known in the past to seemingly make more than a few contradictory decisions.
In a nutshell, Valve doesn’t really have set rules regarding such content and seems to make decisions on a case by case basis. Not ideal for developers who, shall we say, like to dabble in the more blue-end of the color pallet.
So, in conclusion, I can’t honestly say I cared about Super Seducer 3 (and whether you choose to believe me or not is up to you), but I can somewhat sympathize with the developer for seemingly having the rug pulled out from under their feet. This is, of course, unless they were very deliberately looking to push things (in regards to their content) perhaps a little too far. In which case, they probably (maybe?) deserved it!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!