SteamOS Being Released For Download Today!

/ 11 years ago

Screenshot 2013-12-13 10.00.13

As of today (December 13th 2013) you will be able to download SteamOS and have a tinker around with it. However, it is early days and Valve have warned that only experienced Linux users should bother, as at the moment it is no doubt rough around the edges, not the smooth and usable end product that will be released some time next year.

Of course I doubt that will stop many people, but this really is the first steps for the new OS, it will take time for more developers to port titles to it, Valve need to work out bugs, features will be missing, functionality will no doubt be poor right now too, so don’t be quick to judge its performance just yet.

Valve says that the operating system “combines the rock-solid architecture of Linux with a gaming experience built for the big screen” and it is great to see one of this years coolest announcements coming into reality, now all we need are some kickass steam boxes and Valve will be well on their way to world domination.

The OS isn’t available just yet, but keep an eye on the official site for more information later today –

Thank you Videogamer for providing us with this information.

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