Street Fighter 6 Reaches Over 1 Million Players

Street Fighter 6 was released just a few days ago on the 2nd of June and has already reached over 1 million players.
Street Fighter 6 Reaches 1 Million Players
The latest instalment into Capcom’s iconic fighting game was released recently to a very positive reception, a nice change in the current mostly negative outlook for new games. Many of the Steam reviews are praising the good net code, the new Yakuza-style open world and the fact that the game just works and is very easy to get into. In just a few days the game has reached over 1 million players and has also set a milestone of 50 million copies sold for the entire Street Fighter series.
Well Done Capcom
I haven’t played a Street Fighter game since primary school and that was on some emulation website so I’m not too versed in the series but the game looks fairly good from the screenshots and I’d be tempted if it wasn’t for the £49.99 price tag. Either way, congratulations to Capcom for these milestones and I’ll appreciate a good 2023 game launch because that’s becoming a rarity.