A Full-Blown Super Mario 64 PC Port has Landed!

There has for many years been a growing but vocal voice in the PC gaming community for Nintendo to start officially porting their games to the platform. Despite this volume of interest and apparent demand, however, they’re shown literally zero interest in doing so. It has, therefore, occasionally led to the creation of fan projects that look to recreate some of their most popular titles.
In something that has come completely out of the blue, however, a fully-working PC port of Super Mario 64 has appeared online, and, quite frankly, it’s amazing!

Super Mario 64 PC Port
We should note some factors of clarification. This is not (in so far as we can tell) an emulated version of Super Mario 64. Nor is it a fan recreation using something like Unreal Engine 4. This is, legitimately, the original Super Mario 64 game running on the PC. In other words, the original code that has been modified to make it 100% fully operational!
Utilizing the DirectX 12 API, this version of Mario is honestly amazingly good and having tried it myself for an hour (strictly for the purposes of this write up I assure you) it feels honestly amazing to not only be able to play this on the PC but also have it just work with my controller!
This is, without a doubt, the best Mario 64 experience ever brought to the PC. It is so good, in fact, that many think that this is actually an official version that may have leaked from Nintendo themselves.

Where Can I Try It Out?
As you might expect, Nintendo is exceptionally unhappy about this game being made public! As such, download links are being shot down faster than a duck with a light gun! If you do, however, want to give this a go (and, as we understand it, it is the full game) a bit of leg work will see you well rewarded!
We have, however, been told that there are a number of versions of the game which include the ‘source code’ leak we reported on earlier this week. This has also been tied into speculation that this PC version may have been ‘stolen’ from an upcoming Switch port. All we would say is to beware of what you download. The game itself is contained within a single executable file and the ‘package’ as a whole is just 3 files of less than 25mb.
We only mention this as this type of hype always generates a lot of people looking to put nasty stuff on your PC. For the moment, however, we’re amazed by this, even if Nintendo is probably fuming!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!

Source – DSOGaming