Survey Finds Nearly Half Of All ‘Power Gamers’ Are Parents!
Survey Finds Nearly Half Of All ‘Power Gamers’ Are Parents!
For the majority of the old-school of gamers, those of us who caught the initial early waves of computers and consoles, we’re at least thirty and possibly getting alarmingly close to our 50’s. As such, the chances are that the majority of us now have children. Children who, like us, probably have a lot of interest in video games.
It seems, however, that we parents form the core of what is terms as ‘power gamers’. In a report via The Star, a recent survey has found that 43% of ‘power gamers’ are adults with children. What exactly is a power gamer though?
A Question Of Time
The term ‘power gamer’ has nothing to do with what you play. Neither indeed does it refer to your spending power. Instead, the term is coined to reflect the amount of time we spent gaming. Put simply, if you game for more than 10 hours a week, you’re a power gamer! It seems that parents (likely as a means of escape) have turned to video games in a surprisingly large percentage.
It seems though that ‘power gamers’ who don’t have children are also slightly more inclined to certain wishes. For example, around 75% want to own their own home with 60% declaring an interesting in having children. Non-power gamers only answered 65% and 56% respectively.
I’m Not Surprised!
I like to consider myself a pretty decent parent. I spend time with my son playing games (his kind of games) or watching TV (his kind of TV) with him. Like most parents though, I live by the clock and one of the best times of the day if when it’s the kid’s bedtime. When that time comes, I grab a drink and load up my games!
As such, I can’t honestly say that I’m surprised by this statistic. We need something to keep us sane!
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