Team Group Xtreem SSD SATA II A1 Launched
Ryan Martin / 13 years ago
Team Group is expanding its SSD range. Team Group is now rolling out the new generation power-saving SSD SATA II A1 to cut the power bills and watch out for the pockets of consumers who are suffering the increase of fuel and electricity prices. SSD SATA II A1 features high-speed NAND Flash as the data storage. The built-in 128MB DDR Cache memory combined with S.M.A.R.T, ECC automatic error correction protection, the supports for WIN7 TRIM Command and the PHISON 3105 controller allows writing/reading speed up to 270MB/s and 210MB/s, respectively, and random writing/reading up to 15000/6000 IOPS. It is a perfect evolution of data transmission speed and completeness.
The zero-noise and lower power consumption design gives longer operation time and improved working efficiency for laptop users, making SSD SATA II A1.All Team memory module products come with a lifetime warranty, repair and replacement services.
Source: PR