Telltale Games Seeks Company To Finish The Walking Dead
Telltale Games Seeks Company To Finish The Walking Dead
It’s been two weeks now since the poop very firmly hit the fan at Telltale Games. Since then, despite a few little rumours here and there, we have had very little news to say what the future of the company will be. At present, all we know is that a current series being developed for Netflix will be concluded. As for the state of The Walking Dead (currently on episode 2 of 5 planned)? Well, that’s still very much up in the air.
There is, however, a little hope!
In a report via PCGamesN, Telltale Games are reportedly actively seeking someone to essentially take on the staff (presumably those remaining at the company albeit possibly some of those laid off) with the sole and specific purpose of at least completing the next 2 episodes.
Will It Happen?
Hard to say. While many companies are going to be more than a little interested in the game itself, it’s likely the IP that is more tempting. It is believed that shortly before the company officially went into ‘shut down’ mode they were in discussions with various partners/investors. It seems, however, that for reasons currently unknown, those deals were never completed.
At the time, I speculated that it may have all boiled down to the control of the companies numerous licenses. In a nutshell, people would only be interested in investing if they could have control of these assets.
It Makes Sense!
In fairness, you can understand why Telltale Games didn’t agree to this. If they were about to go under, their licenses were their most valuable assets. As such, you wouldn’t just give them away while also offering a huge slice of the business itself as well. You honestly might as well just shut up shop!
As above though, at present, episode 2 of the planned 5 still looks set to be the last. It really is hard to know whether this final season will be completed or not!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!