Terrordrome 2: Reign of The Legends Launches On Kickstarter
Terrordrome 2 Launches On Kickstarter
You may recall once seeing, or at least hearing, about a little indie fan-made game. The game was based on classic horror characters in a beat-em-up style game. That game was called Terrordrome. Admittedly, the game itself wasn’t that great to play and didn’t look much better, but it was an interesting concept. Taking a number of iconic horror characters and playing them in a fighting game. The closest thing we had seen to date was the occasional DLC cameos in Mortal Kombat.
A sequel was almost inevitable, but it seems that the developers are setting much loftier goals this time around. Looking for an officially licensed release, Terrordrome 2 has launched on Kickstarter. Albeit, so far it isn’t going very well at all.
Complete With A trailer!
The Kickstarter has launched with a trailer and while it looks interesting, I’m not exactly blown away either. The game, however, as above does have an interesting and surprisingly unique concept. With a little backing, this could be one of the most interesting beat-em-ups out there. As the original game was.
The Kickstarter, which you can visit here, promises the following:
- Powered by Unity 3D, one of the leading game engines on the market.
- AAA quality 3D graphics and state of the art animations.
- Solid multiplayer Netplay (among the best GGPO code out there)
- A wide range of controllers will be supported
- Amazing audio experience with FMOD technology.
So far, the game has not even pulled $2,500 of the circa $75,000 requested so if you are interested you can still get on board. Which such a tepid early showing though, I’m not sure that this will make it.
What do you think? Do you like the look of Terrordrome 2? Will you back it on Kickstarter? – Let us know in the comments!