Tesla Cybertruck Spotted on Test Track – But That’s Not What’s Got the Internets Attention!

Following a number of delays since its unveiling in late 2019, all going well, the Tesla Cybertruck should start hitting the (public) roads throughout the course of 2022. Will the car be a success with consumers though? Well, aesthetically, it’s certainly a bit challenging. With the car already apparently having pre-orders into the hundreds of thousands, however, it definitely seems to be hitting a strong note with some consumers.
With it recently spotted on a test track, therefore, deliveries to eagerly awaiting customers do appear to be getting closer. Based on the footage, however, the actual sight of a Tesla Cybertruck moving around isn’t what’s getting the internet’s attention. It is, instead, seemingly focusing on one particular component that seems bizarrely huge!
I’m just going to post this image here and see if you can spot what it is.

Tesla Cybertruck – How Big is That Wiperblade?!
So, just in case that heading didn’t give it away, a lot of the initial focus from this video seems to be not on the fairly cool sight of seeing a Cybertruck in action, but the fact that it apparently has a ridiculously huge wiper blade. Now, let’s be clear, no, it’s not uncommon for cars to come with single-blade designs. I’ve owned a few of them myself that did. The fact that this one appears to be at least 6 foot long, however, is certainly raising more than a few eyebrows.
Let’s not escape the fact though that, for as odd as this particular component is, it’s still pretty cool seeing the Cybertruck inching ever closer from the test track and into people’s driveways!
What Do We Think?
Well, firstly, I dread to think of the noise that would make when it started to get a little old and squeaky. More so though, given that this has never been shown off in any of the official public demonstrations to date, the Tesla Cybertruck might have yet another aspect of its design that is, putting it mildly, a little aesthetically divisive. – If you do, however, want to learn more, you can check out the car’s official website via the link here! – Given that it’s expected to start at around £54,000, however, don’t be tempted into that £100 pre-order unless you’re fairly certain you can scrape the remaining balance together!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!