Tesla Motors’ Website Hacked
Following on from our story about the official Tesla Twitter being hacked, it seems that their website was targeted too. Whether this was by the same team of hackers as the Twitter attack, we can only assume that it was as this is to much of a coincidence to happen around the same time and to the same company.
While it seems that everything is back to normal, we were able to get a screenshot of the hack in place (see above) and have even found a video image of the hack too of which you can see here.
It does seem that everything is back under control but how and why both the official Twitter and website of Tesla were hacked is anyone’s guess, but for the most part we are assuming it’s because “they can”.
It is worth noting that the official Facebook page of the company does seem to remain intact but this could be the next target for the hackers, so keep your eyes peeled and we will be sure to bring you more information if the story develops further.