The entire lineup of DC Comics is coming to the iBookstore
Anthony Garreffa / 12 years ago
Comic book fan? iDevice user? Well, this news should put a smile on your dial, with DC Comics announcing that their entire lineup of comics is coming to the iBookstore. Previously, it was just DC’s graphic novels that were available on the store.
DC Entertainment, the #1 comic book publisher in the U.S., announced today its entire line of periodical comic books are now available for download from the top three e-bookstores including Kindle Store, iBookstore and NOOK Store. The precedent setting new digital availability brings bestselling DC Comics and Vertigo periodical titles, including JUSTICE LEAGUE, BATMAN, SUPERMAN, DETECTIVE COMICS, ACTION COMICS, BATGIRL, WONDER WOMAN, GREEN LANTERN, FABLES and AMERICAN VAMPIRE, among many others, to an even broader audience of digital readers.
DC will continue to release their comics through various other apps and platforms such as their own DC Comics and Vertigo apps, as well as the comiXology platform. Having their entire lineup of comics on the iBookstore is going to be a great thing for users.
Source: MacRumors