The Evil Within 2 Can Be Played in First-Person Mode on PC
The Evil Within 2 has a hidden first-person setting.
The Evil Within 2 came out on October 13, and it has received generally positive reviews so far. The title originally delivers a third-person horror experience, but it appears that PC gamers can play it in first-person too. This first-person perspective is a hidden feature that can be activated via the game’s console. Upon activation, the game is fully playable in first-person, which is arguably more immersive. It’s not exactly clear why Tango Gameworks has decided to keep this feature functional. That’s not really important anyway, as it adds variety to the gameplay, and that’s always welcomed.
What do I have to do to activate it?
In order to activate this mode, all you need to do is type “pl_FPS 1” in the console. It’s worth noting that you will be able to interact with the environment normally while playing in this manner. The shooting mechanics also works perfectly, just in case you were wondering. In order to activate the console, you’ll need to create a desktop shortcut of the game. Then, you should add +com_allowconsole 1 in the target section. The console will then open up after you press the insert key in-game. The Evil Within 2 does have some optimization issues right now, but it’s definitely playable if you have the hardware for it.
Below you will find a video showcasing this first-person mode. Maybe you should give it a try sometime.