The Finals Saw 7.5 Million Players During its Recent Open Beta

The Finals is a new free-to-play first-person shooter from Embark Studios which has recently hosted an open beta giving players some good insight into what to expect from the game and giving the developers some insight into how the game plays with large amounts of people before its official launch. With the open beta now over, how well did Embark Studios do?
The Finals 7.5 Million Players
As shared on The Finals Twitter page, the open beta which ran from October 26th through to November 6th has ended and they have confirmed that 7.5 million players joined in on the open beta. Quite the feat though a free-to-play shooter game is always an easy sell to the gaming community. With this many players, Embark has gathered lots of information to use for bug fixes and improvements to ensure the game launches in a smooth and playable state. I didn’t give it a go despite a handful of my friends hopping in, but I’ve heard it’s a pretty good game and does succeed in delivering something unique in the FPS shooter genre.
About The Finals
Join THE FINALS, the world-famous, free-to-play, combat-centered game show! Fight alongside your teammates in virtual arenas that you can alter, exploit, and even destroy. Build your own playstyle in this first-person shooter to win escalating tournaments and lasting fame.
Visit for more information.