The Guardian Partners Up With New York Times In Response To UK Censorship
As the UK government steps up its efforts to censor the Guardian newspaper from publishing material based on the Snowden leaks, by abusing prior restraint and pre-publication injunctions, the Guardian has turned to the New York Times for help. The Guardian will team up with the NYT so that the NYT can continue to publish material based on the leaked Snowden materials.
This comes after the Guardian were issued an ultimatum by the UK government to hand over all the Snowden materials or have to destroy all their office hard drives. The Guardian chose to instead destroy the materials stating that they had additional copies stored overseas. Now the Guardian is effectively limited from making certain publications based on these materials in the UK so the New York Times will assist with the work the Guardian started.
“In a climate of intense pressure from the UK government, the Guardian decided to bring in a US partner to work on the GCHQ documents provided by Edward Snowden. We are working in partnership with the NYT and others to continue reporting these stories.” Said the Guardian.
The reason for the move is that U.S journalists are protected by the law so can legally publish stories based on the Snowden leaks. The Guardian will continue with publication of its stories but no doubt will need the support of other publications as it faces increasing pressure from the UK government.
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