There’s Literally Nobody Playing LOTR Gollum on Steam… AGAIN

It’s a shame that The Lord of the Rings Gollum was such a mess when it had such potential and one of the biggest franchises ever backing it and the character complexity of both Smeagol and Gollum. The game somehow managed to fail to capitalise on both of these and launched to truly appalling reviews with a mostly negative on Steam and 1.2 on Metacritic.
Nobody Playing LOTR Gollum on Steam
You should really take a look at some of these reviews some of them are a treat to read but what I think really reflects the player’s distaste of this game is the game’s daily players on Steam charts. For every day in October, Steam Charts notes that there is at least one period where there are zero players playing the game.

Having a 24-hour peak of 7 players is a truly impressive feat but I’m not surprised with the game reviews and a price tag of £50 pounds nearly 6 months after its release. For perspective, you could get both of the Middle Earth games Shadows of Mordor and Shadows of War for less. Both are massively superior games and it’s a shame that Gollum couldn’t live up to their standard.
Thankfully the future looks bright for Middle Earth with the upcoming game LotR Return to Moria and Amazon’s new MMORPG set in the world of Middle Earth.
I personally didn’t play LotR Gollum but would love to know if you did and what you thought of the game please tell us in the comments below.