Thermaltake Armor Revo Full-Tower Chassis Review

/ 12 years ago

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While there may be a lot of things going on out side this case, all the really good stuff is on the inside, with the left panel of we can see there is a lot of room in this chassis, with 4 optical bays, plenty of cable management slots, a huge cutaway on the back plate and the same really high quality black finish throughout.

Taking off the back panel gives us an even better view of that huge cut away which really helps with fitting CPU coolers, as well as some sneaky cable management behind the motherboard should you need to.  the first really major thing you will notice is that mass of cables, you’ll find a native USB 3.0 connection here, but if your motherboard doesn’t support this you will need to purchase an adaptor as one isn’t included here.  But with so many ports, fan controls, the fans them selves, e-sata, audio etc on the front panel this is the price you have to pay, masses of extra cables.

Each drive hard drive and optical bay comes with a quick push release tray, giving you super quick access to your drives, and behind those you can see another fan in place on the back of the front panel to help keep those cool and bring in a good flow of air to the chassis.

The top of the case features a white 140 mm fan, and the back has a black 120mm fan.

Spinning around the windowed side panel you can see yet another 140mm fan there, certainly no shortage of cooling in this chassis.

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