Thermaltake Toughair 310 CPU Cooler Review
Mike Sanders / 4 years ago
Given the overall small size of the Thermaltake Toughair 310, we were clearly not expecting this to be an amazingly high-performer when it comes to temperature control. Although this is open to a few moderate exceptions, usually, when it comes to coolers, bigger is better. With this in mind, therefore, it’s not exactly surprising to see the Toughair 310 topping both of our stock and overclocked temperature charts.
A closer look at the results, however, does show that despite its tiny stature, it still performs impressively. And, when in direct comparison to some of the exceptionally potent models on our list, the Toughair 310 certainly manages to hold its own with respectable, if not impressive, results.
Without a doubt, however, the key highlight of our testing was seen in the acoustic output. With that Toughfan 12, the noise levels were amazingly low, and they actually make this one of the quietest coolers we have ever encountered. Therefore, with this in mind, a compromise is certainly available here to the more savvy user. You do, after all, always have the option within the BIOS fan settings to bump that fan speed up a little, and while putting the noise up a smidgen, we’d expect to see a couple of centigrade easily drop off the temperature score. In other words, a perfect trade-off is 100% possible here depending on which factor you value more.