Thermaltake Toughfan 12 Review
Mike Sanders / 4 years ago
Packaging and Accessories
Similar to the style Thermaltake uses with their ‘Toughpower’ PSUs, when they’re looking to bring a product to the market that primarily means business, Thermaltake tends to stick with a sleek black and silver design. With this being the case here with Toughfan 12, the front of the packaging gives you an excellent image of the fan as well as all of the key features in brief.
Exterior Packaging – Rear
The rear of the packaging goes into more detail surrounding the feature details and specifications. These include more in-depth elaboration about the key features this fan provides as well as more information on the technical aspects. While some of the space available has been utilized for language localization, you are told everything you could want to know about this fan product in a nice and clear manner.
The Fan
Out of the box, the presentation for the Toughfan 12 is excellent with the fan nice and clearly on display in a surprisingly high-quality bit of packaging. It certainly gives you the impression that this product is a ‘cut-above’ a lot of the competition with it’s highly professional and sleek professional style.
In terms of accessories, as this fan does not include any ARGB/RGB bells and whistles, you don’t get much nor should you expect it. In something that again reminds of us a certain beige and brown company, however, you are provided with a low-noise cable adaptor that’s an excellent addition if you value a whisper quiet performance.