‘They Are Billions’ Leaves Early Access with Full Campaign Mode

They Are Billions
Releasing in early access a little under 2 years are, ‘They Are Billions’ looked to tap into some of the most loved aspects of PC gaming by combining a number of genres to essentially create a somewhat unique zombie strategy/survival game.
For those who have stuck with the game since it launched, and particularly for you newcomers, however, there’s exciting news! The game has formally left early access and is now officially in a 1.0 release!
What Is The Game About?
Well, essentially it’s a form of base building/tower defence strategy game in which you must hold off continually larger groups of zombie hordes. Initially starting as quite straight forward, towards the latter stages things get more than a little insane.
Put simply, you need to hope that you gathered enough resources to make sure your walls are thick and tall and, no less importantly, that your fire power is sufficient. If not, then be prepared to see your base be overwhelmed in the blink of an eye.

Where Can I Play It?
The game is currently available on Steam right now and to coincide with the 1.0 release, is on sale for just £21.59.
Is this game right for you though? Well, if you enjoy tower defence games, then almost certainly. There are, however, factors to consider. For example, any flaw in your base will be discovered. Usually with disastrous consequences. As such, the introduction of the new 60+ hour campaign mode should at least help ease you into what is a tricky, but hugely rewarding game!
What do you think? Have you played this game? Planning on getting it? – Let us know in the comments!

The previous game by Numantian Games had a version for Mac, can we expect also for this one?