This 300w 3D Printed Wind Turbine Fits in Your Backpack
Portable energy generators are nothing new, we’ve seen hand wound, solar and wind power generators, not forgetting some of the more “traditional” ones such as diesel and petrol electricity generators. Each of these comes with a draw back, ones like the solar generators aren’t powerful enough for good levels of power generation, at least when the technology is scaled down to something you can put in your backpack. Diesel generators have the power, but are again to bulky and heavy to move and also require fuels, so they’re not exactly green friendly tech.
Omni3D think they have the solution with their AirEnergy 3D generator. The 3D printed wind turbine is capable of fitting in a backpack, but is able to produce up to 300W of power. That’s enough to charge all kinds of devices and for hard to reach areas that are eager for some renewable power sources, this could prove very popular indeed.
Omni3D are currently running this through a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter and the first models are expected to ship in February.
Thank you Kickstarter for providing us with this information.
Image courtesy of Kickstarter.
Now, to buy a 3D printer, and then, create my own miniature wind farm 😀
I wonder how many one would need to power a full home, that includes a family with 4 children.