Toshiba Launching 20 Million Pixel CMOS Smart Phone Sensor
Ever since the Motorola Razr’s debut in 2004, the phone industry has been all about making your devices thinner, lighter and faster. Thanks to Toshiba, we can now possibly see slimmer phones being produced due to their new 20 million pixel sensors as announced recently. How is a phone generally engineered to be razer thin? Often things like size of casing, thickness of battery and placement of components is taken into account – but what about your phones camera?
This sensor release by Toshiba isn’t their first 20 million pixel variant, but this one can be labeled as ‘new and improved’ – offering a frame rate increase to 22 fps, maximum supported resolution of 5384 x 3752 and an overall claim of an 83% performance boost alongside it being thinner than previous editions. Said to be sitting at only 6mm in thickness, this new camera technology may see our next generation of phones as wide as a broadsword, but thinner than a hair on your head.
On top of these factors, Toshiba have claimed that digital zooming through this new sensor will provide “almost no perceived loss of image quality” and will be shipping out as of February 2015.
We haven’t however, received any information as to which manufacturers will be taking up Toshiba on their new offering, but we’re very interested to see who takes up this slimming opportunity.
Image courtesy of PR Newswire