Turtle Beach Reveals Impressive HyperSound Glass
Cernescu Andrei / 9 years ago
Creating audio using transparent panes of glass sounds quite futuristic, but it looks like Turtle Beach has managed to achieve this in our present days. The company has recently unveiled its outstanding HyperSound glass, which could have practical applications in commercial, consumer, and hearing healthcare spaces. The product works by launching a highly directional, narrow beam of audio in the air, and the truly impressive part is that it is able to direct that audio beam to a specific listener in order to provide an immersive, 3D-like audio experience. The glass itself is quite similar to touchscreen glass, as it incorporates several layers of transparent materials and electronics.
The audio beam that we mentioned before is generated by a series of transparent films, and while the technology definitely sounds intriguing on paper, you really have to try these speakers in person in order to appreciate their uniqueness and potential. The CEO of Turtle Beach Corporation, Juergen Stark, had a few words to say about the company’s HyperSound Glass:
“The advancements the HyperSound team is making with directional audio are simply amazing – some of the biggest breakthroughs in audio technology to come along in decades. Being able to create highly directional audio using glass opens up many potential opportunities, including integrating into desktop monitors, commercial displays, desktop speakers, and automotive dashboard glass to provide warnings directed specifically at the driver… pretty much anywhere there’s glass there’s a potential for audio. As we progress the technology, this also opens up licensing possibilities to external parties looking for ways to integrate the latest audio technology into their products. Again, it’s still early in development and the applications are simply ideas on the drawing board, but at the same time having HyperSound directional audio working on glass is very exciting and we can’t wait to show it publicly for the first time at E3.”
Since the product is still in its early development stages, it will probably be a while before we will see other practical applications. Still, our team actually managed to get their hands on these speakers a while back at CES 2015, and we can vouch that they are absolutely amazing.