Tweet me some music – Wait, WHAT?!
It would appear that the long awaited ‘Twitter Music Store’ is now going to be live very soon. Putting it simply, not only can you now do a 150 character update about your life, but you can put some background music to it. I am a fan of twitter when it is done correctly, merely doing short and simple ‘status updates’ with a few # thrown in there for good measure. What I’m not a fan of is people just… well, being morons on it. Seems that now we will be able to find what music touches some people and what other people can then rip into you for. So Instagram has replaced real cameras, Twitter has replaced texting and is now aiming to hit out on music lovers as well.
But onto the actual bit of information rather then an opinion mixed with a bit of spite. The founder of “We Are Hunted” Stephen Philips has been tweeting several playable tracks coming from Both Rdio and Soundcloud, showing that both music wesites may be part of Twitter’s musical app.
We can only wait and see what comes out of this, but I’m seeing Soundcloud getting a lot more traffic their way.
1. If those tracks start to play without any restriction (or autometically) only thing they will cause is irritation..
2. Those tracks have to be DRM’ed..