Twitter Sued Again for Failing to Comply with Takedown Request
It has happened before that someone sued Twitter on the grounds of failing to remove copyrighted material upon request and now it is happening again. This time it is the award-winning photographer Kristin Pierson that has filed a lawsuit against the social-media giant Twitter after she claimed that they failed to respond to a takedown request on one of her photographs and equally failed to remove it.
User-generated sites can generally not be held accountable for copyright infringement done by their users, as long as the have a takedown policy and responds to the requests made. This is the same for twitter and they’re taking down a lot of links and images based on that, but this time it must have failed.
This week Kristen Pierson filed a complaint against Twitter at a California District Court where she accuses Twitter of hosting or linking to one of her works without permission.
“A Twitter user or users copied the Infringing Image without license or permission from Pierson and on information and belief sent one or more Tweets publicizing and linking to it. The Infringing Uses were hosted either on Twitter or on third-party servers,” the complaint reads.
This isn’t the first time that this has happened and Twitter got sued by a photographer. Christopher Boffoli previously sued the company for the same offense and that case was settled outside of the courtroom.
Pierson didn’t mention whether she sent any follow-ups on the original request and TorrentFreak couldn’t find the takedown notice in question on where Twitter publishes its takedown notices. Pierson wants to prevent Twitter from hosting or linking to her work and in addition she demands both statutory and actual damages which could very well exceed $150,000 USD.
The photo in question was still online available until yesterday, but it has since been removed and can’t be found on twitters URL anymore. The original takedown request was sent on March 4th last year.
Thank You TorrentFreak for providing us with this information
The way I read this, someone saw her image elsewhere, posted something along the lines of “Check out this awesome pic I found.” along with a link to the image, and somehow or other that ends up with a lawsuit, which is stupid. It doesn’t sound like any money was being made, nobody was actively trying to infringe on her rights. This really does sound like someone saw the pic, thought it was cool, and linked it. People do this all the time, and I really don’t see how its a problem.