The UK’s Worst Passwords Revealed!

Choosing an online password can be an exceptionally frustrating experience. One that often leads us into making some very poor choices simply out of either the ease to remember, or quite frankly, just pure laziness. – Despite many websites now requiring more and more cryptic inputs, however, it seems that we in the UK are not immune to making some very poor decisions when it comes to our online security as following a new update to NordPass, we now have confirmation of the 200 worst passwords you could possibly use!

The UKs Worst Passwords!
Fortunately, if you don’t live in the UK, the list can be updated to reflect the worst password decisions made in your region. As you might expect though, with a few differences here and there, for most counties the top 10 is a fairly consistent (and awful) list. That being said though, it’s not exactly a secret that we, the internet community as a whole, have always been consistently awful at passwords.
What is curious, specifically for UK users, is that we do seem rather keen on using our football teams as part of our online security. Albeit, the familiar ‘password’ and ‘password1’ do, alarmingly, still make an appearance disturbingly high on the list!
Then again, I’m not entirely sure why ‘monkey’ is as high as 15…

My ‘Super Secure’ Password is on that List!
Presuming your password is anywhere in this top 200 list (which you can check out in full here) the clear advice is to change it as soon as you possibly can. As you can see from the stats above, not only is it amazingly common, but the active engagement in such passwords on users’ accounts being compromised is exceptionally high.
That being said though, for reasons I can’t entirely determine, while I can’t say I’m particularly pleased with my fellow Aston Villa supporters, it does seem that the consistency in breaking that particular is at least nowhere near as awful as Liverpool.
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!