The Ultimate GTA V Mod Has Finally Been Released
Despite being a few years old, GTA V remains a splendid experience and still looks spectacular even when using the vanilla version. Of course, the game’s active modding community has dramatically enhanced GTA V’s visuals and improved the physics engine. The unbelievable quality of these mods acts as a reminder why the open nature of PC gaming is so important. Today, the GTA V Redux trailer was officially unveiled and download links for the mod are being prepared. Unfortunately, it seems the download links redirect you to the main page right now, but I’m certain this will be resolved in the next few hours. Whatever the case, the GTA V Redux is a collection of visual tweaks including staggering texture quality, a more enjoyable physics engine and much more.
In the trailer, the graphical advancements are clear to see and I’m looking forward to trying out the mod for myself. It’s so much easier to have all the files within one package, instead of having to install a number of mods from different locations. Given the insane visual fidelity, some users may experience hitching and other performance issues. Ideally, I’d like to provide more information but this isn’t possible due to the website being inaccessible. Saying that, the creator’s previous work was incredible and GTA V Redux will certainly be no different.
If you’re interested in the GTA V Redux mod, please visit this page.