Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations Running on RPCS3 DX12 Powered Emulator!
Emulation of the PlayStation 3 is quickly becoming a reality, it seems not a week goes by until we hear that yet another commercially available game is up and running on the latest emulator, and that’s great news for gamers, especially those who have high-end gaming PC’s that are capable of playing them.
RPCS3 has certainly been making impressive progress and is now in its prime as far as development goes, with constant updates and improvements that are making it a workable and fully playable emulator for quite a few games. Sure, it’s not quite playing the more demanding games such as The Last of Us just yet, but it really is only a matter of time now before that nut it cracked. The latest demonstration, which is something anyone can download and try for themselves, assuming you have the retail disc of the game (or the ISO), is of Naruto Shipuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations.
YouTube user ‘Zangetsu’ shared a video recently which shows the Naruto game running on the emulation with fully functioning in-game visuals, and matching audio at 30fps, triple the playable FPS of the previous attempts for this game. That’s right, the emulator is playing fully commercially available games at 30fps! Which is groundbreaking to say the least. Although 60fps would be even better, but let’s not get too picky, it’s early days.
The emulator is using the DX12 engine to churn out the graphics, and as you’ll see in the video below, it’s running perfectly well.
- Rpcs3 v0.0.0.6
- GIT Rpcs3 : 21/01/16
- PS3 Game : Naruto Shipuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations
- Statut : Playable in DX12
- Graphics Render : in DX12 Very good
- Sound : Perfect
- Save : Works
As you can see in the video, the user is running the game on an AMD FX-8350 CPU, paired up with an Nvidia GeForce GTx 980 and 16GB of RAM, meaning those with similar hardware specifications should be able to recreate similar results.
For more information on RPCS3, check out their official emulation website here.