United Airlines to invest in 11,000 iPads
United Airlines is choosing to go “Paper-less” with its organisation. To do this all United and Continental pilots will be given an iPad as part of a new electronic flight bags scheme (EFB). United Airlines said the iPads will replace paper flight manuals and provide pilots with navigational charts through a special app made by Jeppesen Mobile FliteDeck. A conventional pilots flight bag contains a large 12,000 sheets of paper manuals weighing 38 pounds, this will all be replaced by an iPad making things a lot more convenient.
United Airlines are citing the “Green savings” of switching to iPads of conventional paper manuals :
“The green benefits of moving to EFBs are two-foldit significantly reduces paper use and printing, and, in turn, reduces fuel consumption, The airline projects EFBs will save nearly 16 million sheets of paper a year which is equivalent to more than 1,900 trees not cut down. Saving 326,000 gallons of jet fuel a year reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 3,208 metric tons.”