How to Unlock Windows 10 ‘God Mode’
The full retail version of Windows 10 has been available for nearly a fortnight, and with users still familiarising themselves with all the operating system’s tricks, it was only a matter of time before a favourite feature of previous Windows iterations was discovered. Present in Windows since the release of Vista, the Windows Master Control Panel shortcut, or God Mode as it is nicknamed, is available in Windows 10, and here’s how to access it:
- Ensure your system account has administrative privileges;
- Right-click on your Windows 10 desktop and choose New > Folder;
- Name the folder: GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} and press enter/return.
The resulting icon should look like this:
If you’re an atheist, or think God Mode sounds a bit egocentric, you can name the icon anything you want. Just replace GodMode. with your moniker of choice. I opted for TheWorldIsMoreThan6000YearsOld.
God Mode gives Windows 10 users access to 40 different sets of controls which collects together every editable variable within the operating system, though particular options vary depending which version of Windows 10 (Home or Pro) you have.
It’s more convenient than exciting, compiling pre-existing controlables within a single folder, but is sure to benefit advanced users of Microsoft’s new operating system.
Thank you Windows Central for providing us with this information.