Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch Looks To Fix The Bugs Bethesda Left
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch Looks To Fix The Bugs Bethesda Left
Following the release of the VR version of Fallout 4, Bethesda has largely drawn a line under the game now. There is, after all, a brand new one just a little over a month away to work on! It seems, however, that the fan community is still working hard to try and get the game into a ‘polished’ state.
As such, an unofficial patch released by ‘Arthmoor’ looks to address all of the final bugs left behind by Bethesda. In addition, it also looks to improve the gameplay where it can!
What Has Been Fixed?
The patch notes read as follows (bear with us, it’s a bit of a long list!)
- Removed the Guard Gutsy voice fix after it was determined that the robots are invisible for anyone who begins a new game and visits General Atomics Galleria with the fix in place. (Bug #24628)
- Precomb data was accidentally disabled on a cell at The Castle. (Bug #25055)
- The edit locks added by previous UFO4P versions to certain functions on WorkshopParentScript have been re-evaluated, and the locks on the following functions have been removed (Bug #24643)
- HandleActorDeath (regression of UFO4P 2.0 Bug #21899)
- ModifyResourceData, SetResourceData (regression of UFO4P 2.0 Bug #21896)
- RecalculateResourceDamage, RecalculateResourceDamageForResource (regression of UFO4P 1.0.5 Bug #21899)
- WoundActor (regression of UFO4P 2.0 Bug #21898)
- Actor Fixes
- The Protectron in Virgil’s Lab had an invalid set of script properties set on it. (Bug #24910)
- Dead guards inside Parsons State Insane Asylum were being labeled as Gunners due to an incorrect template setting. (Bug #24944)
- LvlBloodbugAmbush, LvlBloodbugInt and LvlBloodbugIntAmbush were missing a property on BloodbugScript (Bug #25148).
More Fixes!
- Item Fixes
- Gunner Flannel Shirt and Jeans (Armor_GunnerRustic_Underarmor) was not included on the formlist for scrapping into cloth like other clothing items. (Bug #24744)
- Bourbon was using the wrong version of the put down sound for bottles. (Bug #24739)
- Antibiotics and Curie’s Health Pack were not properly flagged as ObjectTypeStimpak. (Bug #24738)
- MS10_RadioTowerNote: Property not set on the book record. Resulting in an error when trying to add a map marker. Nearest logical location based on the note’s content is the Coast Guard Pier across the river from it. So the script will now set this marker when the book is read. (Bug #24619) [NR]
- Overdue book tokens should be using the drop sound. That matches the pickup sound originally assigned in another bugfix. (Bug #23123)
- Mr Handy Buzz Blades were yielding no scrap. When they should return 1 aluminum. (Bug #24908)
- The control item used for the track system in the Mechanist’s Lair was not properly setting up the Arc tank bot due to incorrectly set script properties. (Bug #24678)
- The leveled list for T-45 Power Armor B (LL_Armor_Power_T45_Set_B) had 2 chest pieces and was missing the left arm. (Bug #24985)
- Laundered Denim Dress (ClothesPreWarDressBlue) and Laundered Rose Dress (ClothesPreWarDressPink) did not return any cloth when scrapped. They should return 1 piece like other similar outfits. (Bug #24969)
Location and Mesh Fixes
- Echo Lake Lumber Mill was not set with the Far Harbor world location as its parent. This could lead to incorrectly assigned radiant quests that should go to the Commonwealth instead. It may also have played a part in settlers leaving for Dalton Farm at random times. (Bug #24586)
- Dunwich Borers was not correctly flagged as part of its own location. At the same time, Hugo’s Hole nearby was mistakenly flagged as being part of the Dunwich Borers location. (Bug #24668)
- A bad navmesh section over a hole in the bridge at Mass Pike Interchange has been corrected. (Bug #24001)
- Med-Tek Research could not be properly cleared. Because the Glowing One on the second level was not marked as the location’s boss. (Bug #24928)
- The left Voltaic Frame shoulder was not displaying correctly on a Robobrain. (meshes\actors\dlc01\robot\parts\robobrain\RoboBrainConstructionLeftArmArmor_10.nif) (Bug #24742)
What Do We Think?
It’s great to see that the fan community is still strong in Fallout 4. I must admit, I completed the game quite a while ago and have since felt very little compunction to return to it. I daresay I have about 700 missed calls telling me a Settlement is in need of assistance. In addition, I have also likely completely forgotten what I was doing!
For those who still play and enjoy the game though, the patch can be downloaded in the link here! – Please note that you will require to have the game (plus all 6 DLC packs) installed for it to work properly!
What do you think? Are you still playing Fallout 4? In addition, are you looking forward to Fallout 76? – Let us know in the comments!