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Unofficial Voldemort Origin Story Released On YouTube

harry potter voldemort

Voldemort Fan Film

An unofficial Harry Potter fan film has launched on YouTube. Now, at this point, you might be wondering why YouTube hasn’t had this yanked on a DMCA claim faster than Nintendo. Well, the point is that while it is unofficially, Warner Bros. has given it their conditional blessing.

Voldemort: Origins of the Heir has a running time of just under an hour and tries to explain the backstory of ‘he who must not be named’s’ rise to power. Specifically, how Tom Riddle became Lord Voldemort.

Being backed by a successful crowdfunding campaign, the film released on YouTube yesterday, however, since we’re nice, we’ve copied it in for you below.

Tryangle Films, the creator of the film, initially launched the fundraising in 2016. The funding, however, quickly went on temporary hiatus after being contacted by Warner Bros. Uh oh!

After several months, the project was back on with a few conditions. They were able to make the film, just as long as it was unofficial, clearly described as fan-made and that absolutely no commercialisation of it was made.

In fairness to WB, that’s a good deal.

In a recent exclusive interview, eTeknix had with the developers of the 7th Guest fan sequel, it’s dangerous ground attempting to tread on someone’s IP.

harry potter voldemort

How is the film?

I must confess, I haven’t had the opportunity yet to watch it yet. At least not from start to finish. That being said, what I have seen so far (which is about half) had been very good.

For a fan-made film the camera quality, direction and acting all seem to be of a very good order. While special effects are clearly limited, they have been clever not to overdo it in that department anyway.

I would go as far to say that I see no reason why any fan of the Harry Potter series will not find some enjoyment in this. While it might not strictly be canon, it might be the closest we ever get to see an origins story for Voldemort.

If you can’t stand the film, there’s always the hilariously awful AI written fan fiction.

What do you think? Are you a fan of the Harry Potter films? Going to check this out? – Let us know in the comments!

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One Comment

  1. I can’t watch it.. I understand it’s Fan Made, but the Audio is out of Sync with the Characters and just makes it unwatchable… Such a simple thing to check and I can’t get past 15 minutes.

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