Unreal Engine Preview Update Adds Ray Tracing Support
Mike Sanders / 6 years ago
Unreal Engine
It is hard to understate the importance that the Unreal Engine has had on the gaming industry. The software program has provided a fantastic gateway for many independent developers to create their own games while also providing more than enough of a punch for a significant portion of AAA-releases to have been created on it.
With the release of the 20XX series of graphics cards from Nvidia, however, one of the current biggest buzz-words in graphics is ray tracing. Despite that, however, there isn’t actually a lot out there that currently supports it. This will, of course, improve as time goes on, but for the moment only a handful of games truly support it and even then, your experiences may be a mixed bag.
Following a release on their blog page, however, the Unreal 4.22 preview build will include ray tracing support for both high and low-end support.
The update notes released for the preview update are absolutely colossal. As such, if you do want specific details you can visit the official website via the link here. The main key factor, however, remains that the latest version will include ray tracing support. This means that many developers, for the first time, will have an option to see how the technology is used. More so, however, how they can potentially implement it into their own games.
With this release, we should see a huge boost in the coming year of ray tracing supported games. Something that may provide a boost to the somewhat lacklustre sales the 20XX series is seeing. You may, however, already require a 20XX card to really see the results of it. How ironic!
What do you think? Will this help bolster the popularity of the RTX series? – Let us know in the comments!