Unseat.me Lets You Delete Yourself from the Internet
Between the plethora of online account hacks and creeping draconian surveillance laws – just look at the state of the UK’s new Investigatory Powers Bill – there has never been more incentive to pare down one’s internet presence. While, previously, that would entail remembering every website (and associated password) you have signed up to and deleting them, one by one, a new service, called unseat.me, has emerged that aims to do all the legwork for you.
Developed by Wille Dahlbo and Linus Unnebäck, unseat.me will search for any online presence associated with your e-mail address – Gmail only, at least for now, so it can’t hunt down that Friendster account associated with your old Hotmail address – and allows you to delete them, one simple click at a time.
“Privacy and data security is something we regard as extremely important,” the unseat.me website says. “In fact, its our number one focus from beginning to end. Thats [sic] why we built it to run on your computer. So basically the only thing you’re telling us is what accounts you want to delete. Thats [sic] it, and since we use Googles OAuth protocol we don’t have access to any of your login information.”
While unseat.me is effective for immediately deleting accounts with most major sites with one click, many more obscure services are not supported, but at least you will have a centralised list of all your accounts to manage.