UPDATE: The Humble Indie Bundle 8
- Little Inferno
- Awesomenauts *Plus exclusive chicken skin*
- Capsized
- Thomas Was Alone
- Dear Esther
- And all five soundtracks
If you beat the average currently $5.60 you will get 6 additional games as well as 5 more soundtracks!
- Hotline Miami
- Proteus
- Tiny and Big in Grandpa’s Leftovers
- Intrusion 2
- English Country Tune
- Oil Rush *plus map pack*
- And five more select soundtracks!
If you have already purchased this Humble Bundle, and you beat the average the newly added games will already be added to your list of games purchases, and you will be able to get the Steam redeemable codes via their website.
Remember this Humble Bundle, as all bundles offered by Humble Bundle allow you to donate to two awesome charities including EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation as well as Child’s Play Charity.
If you are really into supporting independent game developers, like to donate to charity, or you love Humble Bundle, you can customize where your money goes in the payment field.
Some try to duke it out with Markus @Notch Persson, creator of MineCraft, but I don’t know how many are willing to beat his donation of $5,000.
If you’re interested in this deal and many more like them check out www.humblebundle.com