Can you see me? Yes Jeeves, I can!
The US Army is in the process of developing an invisibility suit for its troops. It has requested firms developing “Stealth Fabrics” to get in touch and have stated that they want to get the first prototypes created within 18 months; they hope that the suit will be able to function in all terrains, from ice caps to desserts, and in all temperatures.
The companies that are selected will undergo a one-year phase will have to submit 10 suits for testing, and all suits must work in all terrains from all angles. They also said if the adaptive camouflage requires power then it must weigh less than 0.45KG and last for at least 8 hours of operation.
The Army have stated they want the following:
- Has 360-degree coverage and ‘can actively respond to various land environments under changing light conditions.’
- Can be integrated with soldier’s equipment.
- Ideally, will not require a power supply. If it does require a power supply, it ‘should last a minimum of four hours and weigh no more than two pounds’ including batteries and connections.
- Reflects infrared light the same way as other army uniforms
- Works in a range of terrain, including desert, forest, urban areas, jungle, and mountains.
- Works below freezing and at temperatures above 95 degrees Fahrenheit, in high wind, in stormy weather, and in smoke, dust, or fog

Guy Cramer may be one of the people who have their materials used to help the military. You can see a short video about his company – Hyper Stealth below. He says he demonstrated it to the Military last year and that the new project will allow him to move forward with it. Cramer won’t release details of how the technology works or photographs.
Thank you to The Daily Mail for providing us with this information
Images courtesy of The Daily Mail