User Beat Saber Videos on YouTube Blocked Due to Jimmy Fallon

Users Getting Copyright Notices for Streaming and Uploading Gameplay
Video game streamers of popular VR game Beat Saber are reporting that they are having problems uploading to YouTube recently. In fact, one user has found himself at the receiving end of a copyright strike following the end of his stream.
Just saw this on reddit @BeatSaber , seems like it could become a big issue if not dealt with fast
— Joetastic (@Joetastic_) April 28, 2019
He is not alone, and other users are reporting on various social media outlets about the problem as well. All pointing toward Jimmy Fallon and his The Tonight Show as the claimants of the copyright infringement.
Why is This Happening?

Apparently it all started a few days ago when Jimmy Fallon had Captain Marvel star Brie Larson as a guest. The two played Beat Saber and was televised worldwide.
This was of course, also uploaded to YouTube after, which you can see embedded below:
After this video went online, YouTube’s automatic system began aggressively flagging users with a matching Content ID. Which would mean every Beat Saber video played on the same level with the same song as the one in the Jimmy Fallon video.
While this is not Jimmy Fallon or his show’s fault, this obviously shows YouTube’s bias favouring larger media companies.
What is Being Done to Solve the Problem?
Since the Content ID flagging system is automatic, all users can hope for is that a human YouTube moderator can see and fix the issue.
For their part, the folks over at Beat Saber and Jimmy Fallon have stated that they are working on getting YouTube to solve it.
Okay, the latest info is that it looks like Jimmy’s team is taking care of it. Hopefully they will be able to do something about it and ideally solve it quickly. 🙂 🙏
— Beat Saber (@BeatSaber) April 28, 2019