Valve Shuts Down Left 4 Dead 3 Rumors

/ 5 years ago

If there’s something we know about Valve, it’s that they can’t count to three. That hasn’t, however, stopped a lot of speculation building in recent weeks that Left 4 Dead 3 was in development. Putting to one side, of course, the memes surrounding Half-Life 3 that seem almost as old as the internet!

Well, in a report via TechSpot, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but Valve has categorically confirmed that the Left 4 Dead 3 is NOT in development!

Left 4 Dead is Not in Development

A lot of the main sources of speculation came when HTC Vive executive Alvin Wang made a few references to L4D3 in a slideshow presentation. It turns out, however, that this was merely personal speculation on his part.

That didn’t, however, stop parts of the gaming community bandwagoning on the possibility that this was an accidental early reveal.

Well, Valve themselves have decided to sum up the situation rather succinctly:

“We’ve seen rumors to this effect for the last couple of months. We did briefly explore some Left 4 Dead next gen opportunities a few years ago. But we are absolutely not working on anything L4D related now, and haven’t for years.”

Will it Ever Happen?

Overall, I think the problem largely boils down to the fact that Half-Life 3 and Left 4 Dead 3 are more powerful as memes now than they ever could be as games.

Let’s face it, the fans expectations over both franchises for the third instalment are so wildly exaggerated that, whatever Valve does, they’re probably not going to win. It’s probably easier (and dare I say, for the best) for them to never make them because if they did, and they turned out to be pretty average, aspects of the ‘fans’ would go wild!

To me, a new game in either franchise has a 1 in 50 chance of living up to the expectations from the fans. Put simply, it’s not a risk I’d want to take!

What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!

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