Video – N64 Modded Case Has Two Flamethrowers!

There has always been something of a strong market for customising game console cases. Usually, to add a level of design, convenience or compatibility that wasn’t there in the original release. It does, however, come to something when someone wakes up one morning and thinks ‘you know what my N64 needs? A couple of flamethrowers!’.
Well, in a video released on YouTube channel BitHead1000, however, someone has decided to do exactly that and, we must admit, it does look pretty cool!
N64 Modded With Flamethrowers
Now, as you might expect, this wasn’t simply a case of sellotaping two blow torches to the case. As you can see in the video above, this required (essentially) a complete manufacturing process of a brand new case, all in metal. With the use of modifications to the controller, however, through the touch of a button, flames can shoot out of the two ‘ports’ up to several feet in length.
All, incidentally, while still being able to play your favourite N64 classic.

What Do We Think?
The design looks like something that belongs on ‘Forged in Fire’. I almost expected Doug Machida to pop up in the video and say ‘it will kiiiilll’. On the whole, however, it clearly proves that if there’s a will, there’s a way.
Before you go planning your own design on this theme, however, let us just reinforce the top safety tip that it’s probably not a good idea to operate this indoors.
What do you think? Are you impressed with the design? – Let us know in the comments!