New York Times Design Director To Head To Tech Giant Apple
The new trend seems to be Media personalities jumping to the tech sector, earlier this year we had Katie Couric and David Pogue join Yahoo and now Apple has snagged Former New York Times Design Director Arem Duplessis. There has been no word yet from Apple as to what Mr Duplessis role will be at Apple, all they are saying is that he will be joining their internal marketing team. When Mr Duplessis was at the New York Times for nearly 10 years, he was behind some of the most memorable front covers which is not surprising seeing he has a highly decorated background in magazine design.
During his tenure at the New York Times, the Design Department which he was director of was named “Design team of the year” for three consecutive years. If that wasn’t enough he and his team also won an Emmy in 2012 for their Video Series on great actors playing villains. As well as his design work Mr Duplessis is also lending some of his time and experience to the Pratt Institute’s Graduate Communications Design Department as an assistant professor their. When asked about his move to Apple Mr Duplessis had this to say;
“I have worked with some of the smartest people on the planet and it’s been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I feel very fortunate to have been able to experience such a great gig. With that said, it’s time for a new chapter in my life and a new challenge”.
Whatever official role Mr Dupessis takes up at Apple, his wealth of knowledge will certainly be an asset of the tech giant and will most definitely be put to good use.
Thanks to CNET for the information provided
Image Courtesy of The Tech Block