Want to Play with Apple Watch Apps Before April? Now You Can
Everyone is raving over the Apple Watch, with immense anticipation building before its release. However, there are very few people that have even seen one, let alone used one of the elusive devices. So what if you wanted to give it a try before pre-ordering?
A new page on the WatchAware site showcases a selection of apps that are currently being developed for the watch. It allows you to click on their icons and gives you the opportunity to imagine what it would be like to use them. But perhaps more interestingly, it gives us a chance to see how some of the features work. Particularly of interest are ‘Glances’, which give you information quickly, and ‘Actionable Notifications’ which work more like notifications on your phone.
The sheer creativity of Apple Watch developers is already evident, just take a look at the one we’ve included with this article. Soon you’ll be able to discreetly make fart noises with your wrist! How innovative is that!
Source: MacRumors