Want to Push Your Graphics Card to The Limit? Get Playing Skyrim Again!
Skyrim, the one game that just doesn’t want to fade into obscurity. Modders have been working tirelessly since the games release, beating it into a pulp, then rebuilding virtually every aspect of the Bethesda studios creation into something new and wonderful.
Missions added, lighting improved, bugs fixes, 4K textures, models improved, new characters added; if it can be modded it has been.
ENBSeries members have been sharing a lot of screenshots this week that show off their new high-resolution custom textures for the games environments, buildings, plants and more. Combined with custom ENBSeries Configs, it’s a perfect example of how you can make Skyrim look incredible; all you need is a little spare time and the patience to download and install lots and lots of mods. Keep in mind that most of the best graphics mods are on Skyrim Nexus, not on Steam Workshop.
Images courtesy of ENBDEV.
The worst thing is though, when you have that one single mod, something small, doesn’t do too much, causes the game to crash and YOU have to find it, so annoying.
I know your pain bro
yeah that first person view totally messed up my riding view
Want these mods >_<
I want the list for these mods! 😀
Dat skyrim sceenshot. NSFW!
what’s the point of posting if your not gonna post the mods used. or did you just use google images to make a click bait article?
Anyone here who is a PC Skyrim modder can tell you that the only images that are super impressive are the ones of the females. Those screenshots were taken by a “professional” screenarcher, and his rig was probably running at maybe 5 FPS if he was lucky. So not really playable at all…
That being said, modding Skyrim can and will add perhaps hundreds of hours of additional playability and replayability to the game. I highly recommend it.