War Thunder Devs Gaijin Release Apology For Recent Economy Drama

Recently, War Thunder has been getting review bombed over changes to the game’s economy, as of today the game sits at an overwhelmingly negative recent review and mixed all-time reviews which has lead to Gaijin releasing a statement regarding the complaints.
Gaijin Responds To War Thunder Criticism
In the recent news article titled Economy Revision Gaijin starts it off by extending their “sincerest apologies to each and every one of you” going on further to talk about how they have let the player base down and have been ignoring their concerns. They go on to claim that they are taking in the feedback and will be looking towards releasing a roadmap by the 14th of June to address the issues with the game economy as well as various other complaints but the economy is the top priority for the developers.
A Step In The Right Direction
This is a good first step with an apology, it makes a vast difference compared to the previous news article that was telling people to not review bomb the game because it hurts the perception of new players, which is the whole point of review bombing a game. In the comments under the article, it seems various fans are cautiously optimistic for the future and appreciate the apology but don’t quite trust that Gaijin will pull through with an updated and improved economy.