Warner Bros Montreal Might Be Working on Open World Superman Game

/ 10 years ago


It doesn’t take much to get the rumour mill running these days, but I have to say that this is one that I’m particularly excited about. A new screenshot published on Twitter hints that Warner Bros’ studio in Montreal might be working on a new game, and what a game it could be.

The screenshot that was published shows a character selection screen and there isn’t any doubt who we see there. The user interface buttons, however, resemble something close to a Xbox 360/One controller design.

The rumour suggests that an open-world Superman game could be in the works and that is backed by the news from last week where WB Games Montreal is hiring to fill 15 positions for an open world action game. The game name wasn’t specified and it was just referred to as “a new IP project for next generation game platforms”. Furthermore, the description hints even more in the Superman direction as it reads “a passionate dev team developing DC Comics focused AAA games that evolve and celebrate the legendary brands of Warner Bros.”

After the rumour broke, other sources told that Warner Bros Montreal isn’t working on a Superman game, but rather the rumoured Suicide Squad. Neither is confirmed or denied.

I for one really hope that there is an open-world Superman game in the works somewhere out there, even if it isn’t by Warner Bros. That is one game I’d absolutely have to have.

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