Caveat Emptor – Watch Out for This Nintendo Switch Knock-Off

It’s been well documented that the COVID-19 situation has had quite a notable impact on manufacturers around the world and, if you’re currently trying to buy a full-sized Nintendo Switch, you’ll know that finding one for sale at the moment is rarer than hens teeth.
In a report via TechSpot, however, you might want to be on your guard. A new device released by Chinese manufacturer PowKiddy X2 bears a lot of resemblance to Nintendo’s console, but none of the gaming compatibility!
Dodgy Nintendo Switch Knock-Off Goes on Sale!
The new system, designed (or should that be ripped-off?) by Chinese manufacturer PowKiddy X2, looks on the surface to be a Nintendo Switch. Do not, however, be fooled. This is NOT a Switch and it will not run any games from the system! It is instead one of those semi-generic consoles that just comes pre-bundled with a bunch of games and emulators from much older systems. Even the screen itself doesn’t display anything (in so far as I can tell) which gives you a pretty solid idea as to how shameless a knock-off this is!
Caveat Emptor
So, if this is so dodgy, why are we writing about it? Well, largely for two reasons. Firstly, just based on the semi-funny/semi-annoying fact that this is such a shameless copy. Secondly, and more importantly though, to spread the word that if you are one of those parents desperately looking for a Nintendo Switch, please do not be fooled by this piece of garbage!
I can sum this product up in two simple words – Caveat Emptor (Buyer beware!).
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!